Take search to the next level with machine learning
Elastic is loaded with the latest advancements in machine learning and NLP. Easy to implement, flexible capabilities give you tools to build AI search applications that integrate with generative AI and power semantic and image search, personalization, and question answering to measurably improve search experiences.

Learn about the Elasticsearch Relevance Engine™ (ESRE) for creating AI search applications that integrate with LLMs and generative AI.
Read blogGet a tour of Elastic's powerful NLP, NER, and sentiment analysis features.
Watch videoDiscover why developers consider Elastic the search platform of the future.
Build AI search applications
Use the Elasticsearch Relevance Engine to create a new generation of semantic search applications. Make use of a vector database, Elastic’s out-of-the-box transformer model for semantic search across domains, and hybrid ranking for optimizing search using keyword search and semantic retrieval. Bring your own transformer models or integrate with third-party large language and generative AI models such as OpenAI-3 and 4 via APIs.